
Best Web Browsers for Android

Reviewed by Sanam Nayab • By Usama Ali • Updated on Apr 18, 2023

We often crack jokes related the internal explorer browser on social media and on other platforms, as it is way too slow to cope with the modern needs of fast and quick web browsing and surfing. Everything that is related with the internet, information technology and communication is transforming so quickly that in no time a new thing is introduced in the market that is more efficient, powerful and convenient than the previous one. Browsing on the PCs including desktops and laptops is done via using different browsers proposed by famous and well reputed vendors, which not only enhance the speed and efficiency of the browsing but also take care of the security concerns related to the browsing. As now the trend has been shifted more towards the usage of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets, people from all around the globe prefer these devices for browsing, surfing and searching on the internet. For this very purpose there is gigantic variety of Browser based applications which help in better and effective browsing, downloading and various other related activities. Best of such apps are listed down here.

1. Dolphin – Best Web Browser ?

Dolphin is regarded as one of the very best and amazing quality based web browser that is best and must have app especially and specifically for the Android based devices including the smartphones and tablets. The native Android users, who are using only android systems and that too from the very beginning are well aware of the class, brilliance and smartness of this very astounding browser app. For others it might be a new name as everyone mostly use the traditional built-in browsers, but this is a super quality browser that contains a massive variety of effectual features and possess elite sort of overall performance and efficient working quality. It already has millions of downloads and is counting more and more on the go. Prominent features that are in the app states as built in Flash Player, smart add blocker, support for multiple task bars, gesture support, fast downloading ability and personalized and customized searching facility as well. It can be downloaded for free from Google Play.



2. CM Browser – Fast & Light

CM Browser – Fast & Light is another amazing and premium quality based fast functionality possessing browser app that despite being not from a well reputed vendor, it still manages to retain a unique spot in the market and already has millions of users from all around the globe who are quite happy and satisfied with the functionality of the app. It is developed and released under the flagship of Cheetah Mobile Inc. It have all the quality based essential tools and features that should be present in a modern sort of fast and efficient browser. The most amazing thing about this app that provides it an edge over the rest similar kind of apps is its high profile security level. The app possess the number 1 anti-virus engine installed in it which is a mind-blowing protection against the viruses, malicious and fraud based threads. It is too for free can be accessed from the Google Play store.



3. Rocket Browser

As the name of this bewildering and splendid browser app shows, it is one of the most quick, fast and efficient sort of browser app that enables its users to stream with freedom, surf on the web with ease and browse with full supportive convenience. This astounding browser app is developed and published as a product of IBOM. The app even if many of us have not heard about it as it is not that much advertised, but it is quite widely used with thousands of users from all around the world and as quickly it is becoming viral soon it will reach the million mark. Top class irresistible features of this browser app includes its faster and efficient loading multiple web pages, tremendous ad blocker, crystal clear and clean over all user interface, Incognito support and the best of all a unique rendering mode which not only protect the eyes of the users while browsing and surfing but also saves the battery life too. The users can get it for free from the Google Play store for Android.

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4. Firefox. Browse Freely

Everyone out there is well aware of the name of this particular browser as this is one of the most widely used browser for PCs, desktops, laptops and almost on all digital devices of all times. It has ranked as the best and toped a massive range of performance charts. There are hundreds of millions of users which are using it from a long time for fulfilling their all desires linked with stream less efficient browsing and intelligently protected surfing. Now the app of this browser is making mark on the Android based devices and is getting the same response as it previously got for the PCs. It is too developed and released by Mozilla for Android. As for Android the best and most required functionality is of security, and this browser app has taken the security and protection to a whole next level of brilliance and smartness. The syncing support of the data among all the devices for the users makes it one of the most convenient browser app too. Rest of the features are the basic ones accompanied with some unique and quite useful features too. The app is too free of all cost and can be downloaded from the Play store for Android.


5. Flynx – Read the web smartly

Flynx is another amazing and astonishing web browser app that provides massive variety of quality based effective tools and features to the users. The app is developed and published by InfiKen Labs. Although this web browser is not that much famous and popular among the common people and users from all over the globe as there are many other browser that are from well reputed vendors and covers a large gamete of the market. But despite of facing such tough competition and rivalry from the similar sort of famous browser apps, this very app still manages to retain its unique spot in the market and is excelling towards much more success with the passage of time. The best and most prominent thing about the app which is the most concerned one too nowadays by most of the users is that it super-fast and on the same time it’s quite simple and handy which makes it rather convenient in terms of use. All the rest features are similar like the top rated browser apps. It can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store. Smart sharing options included in the app is a unique feature and is not present even in the most top rated apps present in market currently.


6. Ghostery Privacy Browser

No need to worry about the privacy from now, as this amazing and tremendous potential based app is primarily focuses on the privacy and security factor and is specifically built as one of the most secure browser app of all times. As starting from the name of the app is quite different and cool in uniqueness and modern terms, every other thing ranging from its multiple functionality and over all display and the user interface everything is quite cool, alluring and attractive. The app is designed and released under the flag of Ghostery, Inc. The users can now make much of it by just simply getting started on the go after installing it one their smart Android based devices as it is fully compatible with both the smartphones and the tablets as well. The notifications are even displayed on the smart watches which are knows as Android wears or sometimes gears. The app has millions of users on its credit which are making their privacy more private and secure using this very browser. It is equipped by the outclass privacy tracker engine, which as a whole track each and every single activity on the each site its users visit or browse. It is too free of cost and can be downloaded from the Play store.

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7. Chrome Browser – Google

Chrome by Google Inc. is the ultimate browser app that is surely favorite of all around the globe and is the most widely used browser too. It is also rated as the best browser as a whole of all times. Although every single product of Google Inc is based on utter smartness and sheer brilliance, but this browser product is the best of all and has taken the quality and elegance to the whole next level, where it is very difficult for any other similar product to reach that or even compare. No matter the users are using the Chrome Browser for the PCs or for the smart devices including the Smartphones and tablets, it is same master blaster and possess similar high level elite functionality. As the Android operating system is in the under control of the Google Inc. monitoring, Chrome is often pre-loaded in almost all Android based devices and is working as default browser. If due to any issue it is not present on its own, it can be downloaded for free from the Play Store.


8. Mercury Browser for Android

Nobody can simply just resist this amazing functionality browser app that let it users to be on the very top with quite quick and efficient browsing and surfing, and that too with full proof security and privacy protection. Mercury Browser for Android is developed and proposed as a product of iLegendsoft,Inc. The app is the master piece of the vendor up till now and helps them for making a great mark in the market and being well reputed. Now coming towards the overall performance and fan base, the app possess amazing and pure quality based tools and features that are essential for stream less, efficient and mind blowing surfing and browsing the web. Along with the support for the flash player, ad blocking ability, frequent and quick download, gesture based controls, powerful plug in facility and a lot more tremendous and outstanding features that enhance its performance to a large extent. Mercury can be downloaded from the Google Play store for free of cost.


9. Naked Browser web browser

For some the name of this browser app might be a bit awkward or similar but rather it is quite catchy and attractive as a whole. Naked Browser app is the simple and powerful browser app that is developed and distributed by Feverish Development. The best and most inspiring thing about this very browser app is that it can be trusted, as from it name it says naked, which means nothing is hidden everything is crystal clear and is in front of the users. They can completely trust the functionality of the app that they are not being spied and not a single piece of their web browsing detail and other personal data is shared or visible to third party. Along with amazing privacy support the app is quite fast and quick in terms of loading and opening multiple web pages at once. The app is outstanding as whole the only thing that is a bit of concern is its simple and a mild sort of boring interface that is not that much kinky and cool. Otherwise the app is a beast in terms of working performance.

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10. Opera browser – news & search

Everyone viewing this very list would surely be well aware of this very much amazing and bewildering browser. Once there was a time that Opera browser was the most widely used and a must have browser for the PCs and Java operating system based mobiles. As Java mobiles were quite common in the past, they were using Opera mini browser as the default browser even, but later with the advent of Android and iOS based smartphones java based phones got vanished completely from the market and so as the Opera browser. But now it is upgraded and launched for Android and possess that premium level potential and functionality that is makes to our best of the list of web browsers. The app of Opera browser for Android is equipped with some pure high level features that are according to the modern usage and are also quite unique in terms. One of its unique features includes the facility of compressing the videos, so that more videos can be watched online using less data. It is free of cost available on the Google Play store from where it can be downloaded for Android based smartphones and tablets as well.


11. Puffin Web Browser

Puffin Web Browser is another browser app that possess a remarkable and outstanding overall multiple functionality and amazing potential based tools that enables the users to surf and browse with more ease and convenience. Puffin Web Browser is a bewildering app that is developed and released under the flagship of CloudMosa Inc. The best and most promising thing about the app is its speed, which by the vendors is termed as wicked speed that accelerates the browsing, loading of multiple web pages and frequent and rapid downloading so much quickly and efficiently. This very browser app is not that much famous among the people from all around the world as it is new to the market and has to face quite swear and tough competition from the rival apps that are already gaining the whole outcome scenario of the market and are proposed from the big and well reputed vendors. Despite of this entire circumstances, this app still manages to retain a unique spot and is leaping slowly towards the success and glory. It is too free of cost and can be downloaded from Google Play s


12. UC Browser – Fast Download

UC Browser is one of the most widely used and most rapidly growing browser of the world that is getting viral even more quickly due to the introduction of some pure quality based features and unique functionality support. UC browser is my personal favorite too and I would surly recommend it to the users to use it especially for Android as it provides them the access to the whole new functionally and provides them new unique facilities. Without any doubt UC browser has introduced as whole new dimension to the users in terms of browsing with the lightning fast speed and downloading even more conveniently. Downloading has been the main problem that is faced by the users most of the time while using a web browser as they are not well facilitated in terms of downloading any particular content, this thing is completely managed by UC browser and the users can download whatever they want to from wherever they want to and that too with blazing speed. UC Web as a whole is product of Ali Baba Group and this UC browser app for Android is developed and released by UC Web Inc.


About Author
Written by
Usama Ali
Usama Ali is a tech writer and analyst with a keen interest in the intersection of technology and business. He is a contributor to Boomzi, where he covers topics such as digital marketing and e-commerce, offering insights into the latest trends and strategies.
Edited by
Muhammad Mohsin
Muhammad Mohsin is a skilled writer and computer science graduate with a passion for creating high-quality content that engages and informs readers. With a focus on website content, article writing, and blog posts, he is a valuable contributor to Boomzi, covering a range of tech-related topics.
Reviewed by
Sanam Nayab
Sanam Nayab is a dynamic tech researcher and writer passionate about exploring emerging technologies. With a wealth of experience in the tech industry, Sanam has written extensively on topics ranging from artificial intelligence to blockchain. Her insightful analysis and thought-provoking articles have garnered a wide readership, making her a sought-after voice in the tech world.

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