
Best Mileage Tracking Apps for iOS

Reviewed by Sanam Nayab • By Usama Ali • Updated on Apr 18, 2023

We often find it very much difficult to manage and track our expense. Most of the people face a lot of trouble regarding keeping the record of their daily expense and are unable to monitor their earnings, due to which they minimize the profit ratio. The biggest inconvenience is seen regarding managing the expense of traveling as keeping track of mileage is the heck of all. We are so busy in doing a lot of other stuff that we are often unable to have a look at the mileage, economy and expense while traveling due to which most of us are not able to save much. As if they could keep a proper and accurate record of their mileage while driving, they are rewarded in the form of tax deduction and can grab many other facilitating offers. Individual who travel for their business or for the sake of their company in which they are working, are often not able to provide valid receipts and record of their traveling expense and mileage due to which the employer does not reimburse their expense. All of these problems have a simple, and single solution in the form of mileage tracking and expense record is maintaining apps, which keeps the actual and real time mileage tracking and record other expense while traveling. Some of the best listed here.

1. Mile IQ

Save as many bucks as you want to as this extremely amazing and astounding quality based mileage tracking and expense managing app let its users be on top of their savings as it assures the complete record and tracking of the user’s mileage and other expense as well. This marvelous app is developed and proposed by Mobile Data Labs Inc. and is quite widely used by iOS users for tracking up their mileage. The app has introduced the easiest and most convenient way of tracking the miles in basic. The app is best and most recommended for those people who are given the fuel by their companies in which they are working, or they are on the drive for the sake of the company and its requirements than this very app are so essential for them. The user just has to install the app on their iPhones and the rest will all be done by the app itself. It automatically tracks the miles when the users drive and calculate accurate mileage expense so that the user could have a record for providing to its company or firm where he or she is working. The customers from all over the world can download the app for free from the Apple app store for iPhone.



2. Mileage Log+

Mileage Log+ is an amazing and bewildering mileage tracking app that is rated and ranked among the top notch mileage tracking apps of all times, and it possesses some really good and effectual features and options in it which make this app of such a supreme level. The users who are very much upset regarding the business logs and trips they are on as they do not have anything to keep the record of their miles that they traveled and didn’t even have a proper expense manager and tracker that keeps the users aware of the mileage. This app is way too much useful in all terms. This astounding and mastery functionality app is developed and published under the flag of Light Room Studios. Thousands of users already use the app all around the globe and from which most of them are the employees or business persons who use this app for tracking their mileage during their business trips and tours so that they can use the app for reimbursement of their expense. The app is amazing in overall functionality and enables the users to save a lot more regarding tax deductions, logging business trips and via various forms too. The app costs $4.99, and the users can get the app from the Apple app store for iPhone.



3. Magical Miles

As the name of the app states it as a magical app, this app is truly nevertheless than a magical mastery app that frequently does everything we want the app to do without any commands, controls and setting up. Magical Miles is an extremely outstanding and pure premium quality based mileage tracking and business logging app which enables the users to keep the complete and accurate record of the miles they travel and how much the fuel expense is on their trip. This supreme quality and the astounding app are developed and released by William Henchy. The users can now save thousands of dollars with this splendid and multiple functionality apps. It has all the basic and essential features in it that should be present in a complete and premium mileage tracking app and this app still offers even a lot more than that to its users. The best and most prominent thing that makes the app to stand out as one of the most easy to use and convenient mileage tracking apps is its simple starting up. Which requires no commands, no setting it up and no issue if you forgot to activate the app for recording the miles as once the app is downloaded on you iOS device, it automatically starts calculating the miles and tracking the mileage and that too only whenever the user drives a car. The app can be sync for a detected drive and a specific car if required. The app can be used free for 100 miles and later on for more than that the user has to pay. It is available on the Apple App store.

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4. Klicks – Mileage Log Tracker

Klicks is another very intelligent and amazing pure quality based mileage tracking and logging app that enables its users to feel free as they no more need to worry about the miles anymore. They traveled or the expense of their trip and tour, as this amazing and splendid multiple functionality apps do all this recording and tracking on its own for the user and that too exact and accurate. The app is equipped with a tremendous potential based very remarkably intelligent engine that works quite well to judge and track the users’ miles and keeps the exact record of the mileage. The app although has a very initiative and attractive users interface that captures the attention of the users quite well but in real it possesses rock-solid build up and setup that ensures the smart, smooth performance and efficient working of the app. The app is a sort of gift of heaven for those individuals who are way too much worried about their expenses of the business trips. As they do not possess solid evidence and record of the miles they travel and the cost they bear on the trip, but with this amazing app they can do all this tracking and record keeping due to which they can save hundreds of dollars regarding reimbursement from the company and tax deductions, etc. The app costs $1.99 on the Apple App Store and can be downloaded for iPhone.


5. TaxMileage

TaxMileage is one of the most widely used and widely loved apps regarding tracking up the expense and keeping the exact and accurate record of the mileage of the user. This astounding app possesses such a mastery regarding its functionality and is way much ahead regarding brilliance and utter smartness as compare all the rest similar sort of apps available in the market for the same purpose even from the famous vendors. Thousands of iOS users use the app in every part of the world, and every one of them is way much happy and satisfied with the functionality of the app. The app uses the live GPS-based location services and works on the principles of the GPS for tracking up the miles travel by the users and keeps the record of the expense such as fuel consumptions, etc. The app is marvelously incredible as it performs all the duties and does not let its user be worry about anything. The app on its own creates a mile log calculating and displaying all the record of the users trip for IRS deduction from the office if it was a business trip or the official trip of the user. The app also helps the users in frequently creating expense reimbursement report so that they can pass their case to the company as early as possible and can save as many bucks as they deserve to save. The app can be sync and used with multiple vehicles and that too at the same time.


6. Triplog

Keeping track of the exact and accurate mileage and the other expenses on a business trip is way much more easy and simple by this extremely amazing and powerful multiple functionality apps. Triplog is another famous and well reputed mileage tracking app that helps the users to save a lot of money. That in the form of tax deductions and reimbursements from the company as this app not only keeps the accurate record of the mileage and expense it also creates the reports and IRS based logging for giving the maximum benefits to the users. The app has the pre-installed smart integrated engine in it that automatically starts working and keeping record whenever the user sits in a car and drives. The app is quite simple and easy regarding using that every kind of user no matter what can easily access the app for their mileage tracking as it does not require any complex setup like various another similar kind of apps. The users just have to install the app and activate it, and the rest will do by the app itself. The app is perfect for business as it possesses the ability to create advanced reports of the users overall trip expense. It costs $2.99 and can be downloaded from the Apple app store for iPhone and iPad both.


7. Everlance Free Mileage Log Expense Tracker & Taxes

This app ranks on various performance charts as number 1 mileage tracking and expense monitoring app. Everlance is the ultimate choice of millions of iOS users all around the globe. People who not only prefer this extremely amazing and supreme quality mileage tracking app but they all highly recommend it too as it is quite suitable for every sort of person no matter what does he do and for what purpose a person has to track up its miles. The app is mostly used for accurate tracking of miles so that it can help them in saving some bucks regarding tax deduction and through various other schemes offered by different centers. Whenever a user in US or Canada is on its business trip or tour. He or she via using the tracking system of this app can track up their mileage and other expense which will help them to save their money as they would be free of paying taxes like others. And can create a solid and valid expense reimbursement report so that they can submit that to their particular company or firm and get their expense back which they bear on that specific business trip and same goes for others as well. The app is free of cost and is present on the Apple app store.

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8. SherpaShare

SherpaShare is extremely useful and amazing app regarding tracking up the mileage and keeping all record of the users’ expense while on a trip. The app is way too much amazing and possesses some real quality stuff inside but still it is not that much famous among the iOS users all around the globe and is mostly used in the US and Canada. There is quite a huge misconception about the functionality and working of the app from the beginning of its release, and that is people think that it only works and calculates mileage and expense only in the US and Canada as it is not compatible with any other region, which is a totally false concept. The users can use the app from anywhere in the world as it works on the principle of location and works with the GPS location services. The users just have to turn on it in the setting and start saving with this app as it enables the users to save more than $6000 if they travel 10,000 miles in a year and that in term of tax deductions and employer reimbursing their expense of the business trips. The app is perfect for everyone either a person does a job or is self-employed. It can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store.


9. MileBug

MileBug is another amazing and my personal favorite miles tracking and mileage record keeping app which is way much more brilliant in its working and performance. The app is one of the most rapidly getting viral app currently regarding mileage tracking apps. Despite being new to the market and facing such a swear kind of competition from the similar sort of apps that are already present and are capturing a wide range of users, this app still manages to retain its unique spot and is leaping quite frequently towards the path of glory. This app is the only mileage tracking app that has been ranked as biggest hit apps, and many of the performance-based charts are already ranking it among the top notch mileage apps for worth looking for in 2017. Other than having basic and all the essential real-time mileage tracking features in it, the app possesses some unique, initiative and useful features too in it. The users can now create the driving expense reports on the go via this astonishing app as it enables the users to display the reports as Excel spreadsheets and in various other formats too based on the user’s personal interest and preference. The app costs $2.99 and can available for both iPhone and iPad from the Apple app store.


10. QuickBooks Self-Employed: Mile Tracker, Taxes

QuickBooks Self- Employed: Mile Tracker, Taxes is another extremely astonishing and bewildering real quality mileage tracking app that tracks all the mileage based stuff and other expense of the user while driving and going on a business trip. The best and most prominent feature of the app that stands out this very app as unique and worthy that is its super cool setup and user interface. Many similar sorts of mileage tracking apps do possess quality and work accurately well regarding tracking and expense recording of the user, but are not that amazing regarding their overall outlook and display which do counts a lot while using any app on the device. This marvelous app is developed and proposed as a product of Intuit Inc. The users are now able to save their money as by keeping the record and tracking up their mileage will cause them in the deduction of their taxes while traveling. The app possesses some real exciting and effectual features that readily creates the invoices and reports having the detail of the user’s expense so that the user submit them to their office for getting the reimbursement. This app is too free of cost and is available in the Apple app store for iPhone.


11. Hurdlr

Hurdlr is another mileage tracking and expense monitoring app which is used by thousands of iOS and other platform users from all around the globe for keeping a valid record of their travel expense. Hurdlr is quite useful in saving the bucks, as it frequently generates the expense reports and enables the users to be aware of their mileage expense. Furthermore, the app keeps on tracking the mileage of the users while driving, which makes them save money in the form of the tax deductions. The app is quite capable of generating official reports of the expense that is recorded and monitored along the valid receipts, so that the users who are employed in a firm and are on their business trip, they can submit the receipts and report to the employers and get back the expense in the form of reimbursement. The app is most probably suits all sort of individuals that work for someone or even are self-employed. The app also benefits the drivers such as the Uber drivers and other taxi drivers, they all can track their expense and try all their best possible ways to minimize it. The app surely helps in minimizing the expense of the users and maximizing their financial profit. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store.

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12. MileWiz

MileWiz keeps the detailed record of the users travel expense and enables the users to track their mileage in real time so that they could be aware of the expense they are doing while on a tour or trip.MileWiz is not that much famous among the iOS users around the globe as it is quite new to the market as compared to many similar sorts of apps. Those apps are present for quite a long time and cover a wide range of users. But despite facing such swear level competition from other apps and being a lot of trouble and inconvenience from the time of its launch, this brave app still manages quite well to survive and is way much more stable now than before. The app is best suitable for every individual as it is way much easy and convenient regarding usage and overall operating scenario, the users belonging from any walk of life can use the app with the maximum level of ease as it possesses simple and clear user interface and controls. The app does not require any complex setting or a setup before starting like various other mileage tracking apps ; the users just have to activate the app after downloading it for free from the Apple Store for iOS devices and the rest is done by the app on its own. The app automatically tracks the mileage whenever the user drives courtesy of its remarkable and smart engine on which it is working.


13. BizXpenseTracker-Expense, Mileage & Time Tracking

BizXpenseTracker is another amazing and master quality app that is used widely in every region around the world for tracking the expense and recording the travel miles and mileage. The app is quite famous because of its premium quality, smooth real time working abilities and the most importantly it possess a solid setup which makes the app to work as an extreme level multiple functionality tracking apps. The app is able of tracking the mileage of the users while traveling and that too in real-time, whereas the app is also capable of calculating all the other traveling based expense as well. The most prominent and unique thing about the app is that all of the tracking and recordings of mileage and expense is done on the basis of time, which automatically enhances the functionality of the app being a time tracking app as well. This feature enriched app is developed and proposed by Silverware Software, LLC. Other master quality abilities of the app include the real-time creation of the expense reports, and the users can change their travel entries into business logs as well via use this astounding app. The app is bit expense as compared to other apps as it costs $6.99 but along with all such multiple stuff and no hidden extra charges it is worth having app for tracking the mileage on the iOS devices.


14. MileGuru

Last but not the least, the app which makes to our list of the best mileage app is MileGuru. It is very much fantastic and pure quality based initiative app that tracks the mileage for the users while drive in real time and frequently keeps on updating about the expense as well. This attractive and amazing looking mile tracking app is developed and published by Adam Bunnell. The app provides the stance to its users of tracking the mileage while driving so that they can be able to deduct their taxes of traveling by keeping an actual and accurate record of miles and expense. The app is nevertheless a gift of heaven for those individuals who works for various companies and travel a lot due to the official work. As this app enables them to create accurate and actual expense based reports. Along with the receipts so that they can submit them back to the company and reimburse their expense that they bear while traveling officially for the company. The users can convert the reports and the expense receipts into any of the document either the Excel spreadsheets or in a PDF form for submitting in different departments. The app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple app store for iPhone.


About Author
Written by
Usama Ali
Usama Ali is a tech writer and analyst with a keen interest in the intersection of technology and business. He is a contributor to Boomzi, where he covers topics such as digital marketing and e-commerce, offering insights into the latest trends and strategies.
Edited by
Muhammad Mohsin
Muhammad Mohsin is a skilled writer and computer science graduate with a passion for creating high-quality content that engages and informs readers. With a focus on website content, article writing, and blog posts, he is a valuable contributor to Boomzi, covering a range of tech-related topics.
Reviewed by
Sanam Nayab
Sanam Nayab is a dynamic tech researcher and writer passionate about exploring emerging technologies. With a wealth of experience in the tech industry, Sanam has written extensively on topics ranging from artificial intelligence to blockchain. Her insightful analysis and thought-provoking articles have garnered a wide readership, making her a sought-after voice in the tech world.

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