
Best Writing Apps for Android

Reviewed by Sanam Nayab • By Usama Ali • Updated on Apr 18, 2023

Creative and ingenious writing needs a cool, calm and inspiring ambiance and surroundings. Although writing something totally depends on the nature of the writers and how much there are relaxed or satisfied with their environment. Every individual person is different from each other and has their own mind set and approach to particular phenomena. One thing that is being liked by someone can be hated by other and vice versa. Writing is one of the main and important podium and a communication mean too, through which a writer shares his or her own views, thoughts, opinions, imagination etc. Depending on the types and forms, writing is divided in to various kinds. But most of the time writing simply is referred with the creativity and artistic approach. The writers are classified as artist and said to have a vast creativity and imaginative approach. As every individual writer think in a different way than other, due to which we can see a massive diversity of writing forms indulging together and all of them falls in the category of creative writing. Most usual forms of creative writing that are seen nowadays are the novels, poems, stories, essays, blogs, screenplays, lyrics etc. Another side of writing that has formal touch in it includes the writing of letters, applications, presentations, reports etc. For making writing more convenience and enable the writers to write quickly on the go as a thought came in their mind, there are numerous Smartphone and other hand held gadget apps that provides full assistance to the writers in terms of writing any sort of content. Some of the best writing apps currently available in the market for Android based devices are listed here.

1. Writer Plus (Write On the Go)

Writer Plus (Write On the Go) is a an alluring and exceptionally effective writing and editing app that is specifically designed for the professional writers and also for the beginners so that they can write wherever they are using this app on their smartphones and tablets. The app possesses mastery and premium level of sheer brilliance and utter smartness in terms of writing marvelously and effectually. The app is never the less a sort of gift of heaven for the young creative writers who are new to the writing field and wants to develop themselves as mature writers. The users can utilize this app for any kind of writing, the app suits every format either the users write simple notes on it or use it for writing the novels, stories, lyrics, essays, poems etc. The app is also best for creating and making rough drafts, the users can make the drafts of their projects before finalizing it. Although the app is free of cost but for some of the elite features users have to pay. It is developed and released by Easy4U Ltd. And can be easily downloaded from the Google Play store for the Android based smart devices.



2. INKredible – Handwriting Note

INKredible – Handwriting Note is a different and unique sort of writing and note taking app that supports a massive variety of insertions options to this app like the users can write on this app as they write on the hard copies using a pen and paper. The ability of writing manually as we write on the paper using pen makes this app unique and quite effective as it provides a whole new experience to its users of writing with their own handwriting using this app and that too in a digital writing environment. As the name of the refers, it is a real incredible and a sort of pioneer app we can say that has totally reformed writing manually with your own hand writing on the digital smart devices either the smartphones or tablets. The user interface of the app is quite catchy and attractive as it seem to be using a hard register or notebook for noting down the stuff. It has all the basic and essential tools present in it that are required for better and efficient writing. This app is so amazing that it will surely take you to the whole new level of writing in the digital environment with the hands. It is totally free of cost and can be downloaded from the Google Play store.



3. Write

Write is another amazing and astounding app that is specially designed and developed for the users who wants to write anything at any time and on the go. The app provides all the essential tools for the writing to its users so that they can write in a better and effective manner. Write writing and editing app is developed and proposed as a product of and is one of the most widely used writing apps with thousands of satisfied customers from every part of the world. The app possess a simple yet powerful and effectual over all setup and user interface that ensures its premium and smooth work performance and makes this app as one of the most convenient and tranquil writing app of all times. The interface of the app contains a single sheet of paper on the display on which the users can start writing whatever they want to write and that too on the go. As writing is simple via this app, the editing and sharing of the stuff that is written by the users is also very much easy and simple with help of marvelous and effective tools of the app. Some of its editing features includes fancy stuffing, text layout setting, setting up the borders around the text and many more others. It can be downloaded from the Google Play store with any cost.

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4. Textgram – write on photos

Textgram – write on photos is a different sort of writing app as its name shows, it is basically designed for writing the text in an attractive way on the images and photos. The app provides an amazing stuff of writing the desired text on the photos and enables it users to manage their photos however they want to manage according to their requirement and desire. The users can customizly create alluring and ravishing photo based text stuff via using the effectual tools of this very app. It works on the simple phenomena, the users just have to import the photos from the gallery or either capture at the spot and with this amazing text filling app the users can write anything in style on the top, bottom and even on the sides and middle of the photos. The photos on which the text is written are automatically saved in the gallery as new photos and can be viewed later or at same time even. The users can create beautiful and creative stuff out of their photos and can share these text based photos with their friends via social media platforms or either directly sending to them using various communication means. This amazing app is developed and published by Codeadore and can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store for Android.


5. WordPress

The ultimate platform for the entrepreneurs and web developers is the WordPress as it enables them to not only built exclusive and astonishing websites with ease but also provide a great platform for the writers and bloggers who want to start their blogs and articles in person. Now these all things are even more easy and handy as WordPress has introduced its whole new WordPress app which let the users manage their websites, blogs, articles and other writing or web related activities directly from their smartphones or other hand held gadgets via this very app. The users can sign into the app directly and can make new account for WordPress on it or can log in with the existing account too. The app provides the facility of adding self hosted website to the app so that users can add their own websites too and can manage them via this app. The app is free of cost and is available on the Google Play store for Android.


6. Creative Writing

Every individual is creative in terms of any particular approach and only needs to know it. Some people are creative and they know their level of creativity and thus utilize their ability via different means, some by becoming writers, painters, sketchers etc. Basically anything related to artistic creations and imagination is referred as the creativity and that kind of stuff is termed as creative one. The type of writing that falls in this category is named as the creative writing, in which a writer gives his or her own point of view, opinion and shares his or her imagination that what is in their mind. This app is not itself for writing, but it possess the tutorials and guide lines that helps the tyros and starter that are new to the field of writing and don’t know how to start writing. The app contains proper guidance in form of tutorials that enables the users to learn all about creative writing, the format, the concept, the boundaries, its setup etc. The app is best for the beginners and helps a lot in learning how to write. It can be downloaded free of cost from the Google Play store.

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7. Writing -Easy,Paragraph,Story

Writing -Easy, Paragraph, Story is another different sort of writing app that possess a gigantic variety of writings and its various formats. This huge writing content based app is developed and proposed by kutblog Inc. Although from its name and overall setup, the app seems to be a writing app that provides the platform of writing, but it’s not like that. It is in basic an app that has a large data of different kinds and forms of writing. The users can use this app to learn the different and basic formats of writing and can enhance their own writing skills and competences. This app give the feel of a book that a user use for learning different forms of writing. The users via this app can effectively learn how to write proper and expert level paragraphs, essays, stories, blogs, dialogues, play, application, letter, emails, reports etc. The app possess a huge data base that has a massive variety of writing stuff of all sort of writing formats and categories. The app is best for the writers and for the students studying in school or college as they help them in improving their writing standard and complete their assign tasks and projects. It can be downloaded for free of cost from the Google Play store.


8. Monospace – Writing and Notes

Monospace – Writing and Notes is another amazing and bewildering writing app that enables to not only write but also let them to learn how to write in a more better and efficient way. The users can write anything from anywhere via using this app on their smartphones and tablets. The app is developed and released under the flag of Jack Underwood, who is quite famous and have many other quality writing related apps on his credit. The app has different phases and modes and can be used in any of the mode according to the own requirement and desire of the users. It purely depends on the users whether they want to take instant and quick notes in the note taking mode or wants to write something official or important in the complete and advanced word processing mode that all the essential tools of writing and editing inside it. The app contains some of the tutorials inside for making aware and familiar its users that how to use the tools of the app more effectually. The app supports a large variety of formatting styles. It has two versions, one is free and the other one is the paid Pro package that has some additional functionalities in it. Both of them can be downloaded from the Google Play store.


9. MarkdownX

MarkdownX is an astounding and bewildering all in one sort of app that provides the support for writing, managing the documents, works as a premium text editor, mange the files of users and helps in viewing different kinds of documents. This astonishing multiple functionality app is developed and proposed by Ryeeeeee. Other effective and useful features of the app includes auto saving of the docs, undo and redo facility, changing the format of the files, live preview while writing or editing any document, slide by slide preview facility specially for large gadgets such as tablets and many more other features too. Despite of being new to the market and facing such swear competition from similar kind of rival apps, this app still has successfully managed to retain a solid and unique position in the market. It has thousands of users already and is counting more and more quite rapidly. This splendid all in one app can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store for Android.


10. iA Writer: Note, write, edit.

iA Writer: Note, write, edit. is one of the most widely used premium and elite class writing and note taking app that possess millions of users from every part of the world. The app claims to be used by some of the most top class writers, authors and poets from all around the world and is referred as celebrity app itself. It would be sales tactic by the way, but in term of functionality and abilities this app is a real monster app and totally revolutionized the whole scenario of writing in the digital format. The app is designed and released by Information Architects GmbH and possess a large variety of some extra ordinary and effective tools that surely helps its users in writing the stuff using this app in a more superior and better way. The users can use this app for writing anything like essays, stories, poems, plays or even can use it for taking instant and frequent notes and creating rough drafts too. This fabulous app is too free of cost available on the Google Play store for Android based smartphones and tablets.

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11. JotterPad – Writer

Last but not the least is one of the most impressive, widely used and most recommended writing app. JotterPad – Writer is a bewildering high profile writing app that let its users to write whatever they want to write in a pleasant environment using some pure quality based tools of the app. The interface of the app is totally user friendly and is specially designed to be distraction free so that the writers can write on this app in the best possible environment that suits creative writing. The app is said to be perfect and seamless for writing any kind of the stuff either novel. Short stories, poems, lyrics, essays, screenplays, plays etc. The users can also use the app for instant and rapid note taking and also for creating the rough drafts of any of their important project before completely finalizing it. Some of the unique and effective features of the app includes the built in dictionary and phrase finding options. The built in dictionary help the users to write in the correct grammar and enhance the chances of using excellent vocabulary. Whereas with the help of phrase finder and word counter, the users can search for any of the particular phrase in their writing and can be aware of the length of their writing respectively. It is too free of cost and can be downloaded from the Google Play store for Android based devices.


12. Writer

Writer is one of the best and outstanding writing, word processing and blogging app which enable the users to write whatever they want to write without any hurdle, distraction and failure of resources such as down linking of the ordinary kind of word processors etc. The basic scenario behind the development of the app is to provide simple and on the go writing platform to the users and writers of all around the world so that they can write whatever and whenever they want to write instantly on their Smartphones and tablets via this very app. As the name of the app states, this is the bewildering and astounding app for the professional and beginner writers, so that they can write with ease and convenient. Either taking any simple notes or writing a complete novel, this app suits all the situations and work according to the desires and requirement of the users. This marvelous app is developed and published by James McMinn and can be downloaded from Google Play store for free of cost.


13. Medium

Medium is another popular and perfect app for writing, reading blogging and socializing which provides a great facility to its users of creating their own unique social circle and network through which they can communicate and share their thoughts and ideas. Due to such approach it is named as the “Medium”. The users can setup their own customized reading list that what kind of stuff and blogs or articles he or she want to read and what kind of stuff should be saved for future use. The same scenario goes for managing the writing and blogs that are owned and written by the users themselves. Recommending the stuff is the most exciting and unique feature that is possessed by the app in which the users can recommend the valuable stuff to others so that they could also be able to get advantage of the brilliance of that stuff. It could be any writing piece or blog. It possesses the size of 4.6 MBs and is freely available to download on Google Play store for Android based devices and gadgets.


About Author
Written by
Usama Ali
Usama Ali is a tech writer and analyst with a keen interest in the intersection of technology and business. He is a contributor to Boomzi, where he covers topics such as digital marketing and e-commerce, offering insights into the latest trends and strategies.
Edited by
Muhammad Mohsin
Muhammad Mohsin is a skilled writer and computer science graduate with a passion for creating high-quality content that engages and informs readers. With a focus on website content, article writing, and blog posts, he is a valuable contributor to Boomzi, covering a range of tech-related topics.
Reviewed by
Sanam Nayab
Sanam Nayab is a dynamic tech researcher and writer passionate about exploring emerging technologies. With a wealth of experience in the tech industry, Sanam has written extensively on topics ranging from artificial intelligence to blockchain. Her insightful analysis and thought-provoking articles have garnered a wide readership, making her a sought-after voice in the tech world.

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